Senin, 04 Februari 2008

Virtual Library in SMKN 1 Pungging

SMKN 1 Pungging have made the new inovation. After the the International Schoold Standart have been gotten, now the school that is popular as SMK Habibie, is lounching the virtual library.
"It is the information technology era. As international school, we have to be suitable with the technology of information," the director of Library Mulyoto, S.Pd, M.Si said.
He told, in this library student can acces the learning matter from some teachers. Beside that, they can online in internet. It is hope, the students have the several sourse of learning. Not only the teacher, but also the internet.
Because the number of computer is finited, each student only have one hour in one day. "We have ten computers in the library. Tomorrow, we will add the computer so that can serve student more," Mulyoto said.

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